Distractions…distractions… A Kiss of Fire update!

I’ve been working really hard on Kiss of Fire, the second book in the St. James Family Series. Happy-go-lucky Toni and O’Donovan, her ornery fireman, are fully fleshed out and their story is (for the most part) set in stone. It’s getting there. I have every intention of having it out around the end of March, early April. I’m super excited for you guys to read it! It’s a different character dynamic than Annata and Christophe, and I’m enjoying writing Toni, who’s so spunky and positive. Well, until she gets her heart broken… but I won’t give away too much 🙂

Anyway…. here’s the thing. I keep getting distracted. First, a dystopian idea, of all things, popped into my head during the holidays, so I jotted down some character notes and wrote a few pages that were forcing their way out.

Next, a story that I planned as a bonus novella for the St. James Series (featuring a character that was going to be introduced in Kiss of Life) pushed its way to the forefront. I’ve decided to make a real go of this story, which features a rock star and his lady love, and try and have it out for Valentine’s Day.

I have about two weeks to get this story out, so I’m going to push myself really hard to get it done. I guess I shouldn’t complain about having my creativity runneth over, but I’m going to focus on Kiss of Fire after V-Day. Definitely. It’s coming!
