Facebook is my friend.

Hey guys!

So I’ve been on Twitter since Kiss of Ice first came out, but I just got my act together and got a Facebook page. Check it out here. It’s very bare-bones right now, but I promise I’ll update it regularly. Feel free to ‘Like’ at your leisure 🙂 I’d appreciate it!


Distractions…distractions… A Kiss of Fire update!

I’ve been working really hard on Kiss of Fire, the second book in the St. James Family Series. Happy-go-lucky Toni and O’Donovan, her ornery fireman, are fully fleshed out and their story is (for the most part) set in stone. It’s getting there. I have every intention of having it out around the end of March, early April. I’m super excited for you guys to read it! It’s a different character dynamic than Annata and Christophe, and I’m enjoying writing Toni, who’s so spunky and positive. Well, until she gets her heart broken… but I won’t give away too much 🙂

Anyway…. here’s the thing. I keep getting distracted. First, a dystopian idea, of all things, popped into my head during the holidays, so I jotted down some character notes and wrote a few pages that were forcing their way out.

Next, a story that I planned as a bonus novella for the St. James Series (featuring a character that was going to be introduced in Kiss of Life) pushed its way to the forefront. I’ve decided to make a real go of this story, which features a rock star and his lady love, and try and have it out for Valentine’s Day.

I have about two weeks to get this story out, so I’m going to push myself really hard to get it done. I guess I shouldn’t complain about having my creativity runneth over, but I’m going to focus on Kiss of Fire after V-Day. Definitely. It’s coming!


Kiss of Ice now available for Kobo!

Kiss of Ice is now available for Kobo users here.

I’m pretty excited to get Kiss of Ice out to new readers!

In other news, I’ve been hard at work on the follow-up Kiss of Fire. I’m hoping to have it available by the end of March, so fingers crossed. I’m also hoping to have a new novella out for Valentine’s Day, but we’ll see 🙂

Kiss of Ice now available for Nook…

Kiss of Ice is now available here for the Nook, via B&N.

Now, I’m a little uneasy about this, because I’ve never used a Nook. Also the B&N site is way harder to navigate and search than Amazon. But I’m excited to get Kiss of Ice out to more readers. If you’re a Nook reader,  feel free to let me know how you like the Nook system!


Breaking the Ice Available Now!

Breaking the Ice is now available for Amazon Kindle! And it’s only .99 cents 🙂

breaking the ice

I just published this short novella using KDP select, which means it will only be available for Amazon Kindle until April. I had good results using KDP for Kiss of Ice, so I figured I would use it again. The next book, Kiss of Fire, will be available on all platforms from jump, so all of you Nook/Sony readers should appreciate that.

I’m excited about this novella because not only do we get to revisit Annata and Christophe’s story, but we meet Vivica, whom I have to admit, I’m a little biased toward. She’s the heroine of Kiss of Life (the third book in the St. James Family series) and she’s such a mess. So (of course) she’s super fun to write.  I hope you guys enjoy reading about her as much as I enjoy writing her!
